Dusk to Dawn: Reading Horror and Weird Fiction
Welcome to Dusk to Dawn, Reading Horror and Weird Fiction! We post every two weeks discussing novels and short stories from old to new, the literary and the pulp. If it scares us or makes us squirm, we’re on it.
There are plentiful spoilers, so read the episode’s book first if you want to avoid them. Tell your friends about us and enjoy the show!
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Dusk to Dawn: Reading Horror and Weird Fiction
We Sold Our Souls
Discussing We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix
Everything comes crashing down on Kris Pulaski's heavy metal dreams of making it big in her band, Dürt Würk, and now she's working a dead-end hotel job where lodgers pee on the floor. Her best friend screwed everything up, signed a contract with demons, and taunts her with his successful nu metal band.
Check out the Playlist on Spotify: We Sold Our Souls
Next Up:
Song for the Unraveling of the World - Brian Evenson
Books Mentioned in this Episode:
Horrorstör; The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Vampire Slaying; The Final Girl Support Group; Paperbacks from Hell – Grady Hendrix
Punk Rock Ghost Story – David Agranoff
Episode Trigger Warnings:
Suicide, Murder
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Email Us: dusktodawnpodcast@gmail.com
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